Popular cocktails

Captain Ron c




  • 1 part Captain Morgan
  • 2 parts orange juice

    In a tall Hurricane glass with crushed ice fill up 1/3 with Captain Morgan and add orange juice to the top. Stir gently and serve.


  • 3/4 tequila
  • 1/6 orange juice
  • 1/8 lemon juice
  • 1 tea spoon Triple sec (strong liqueur, with orange flavor)
  • some sour cherry syrup
  • crushed ice
Take a large chilled martini glass. Wet the edges of the glass with lemon juice and sprinkle with fine salt.
Pour into a blender tequila, orange juice, lemon, cherry syrup and Triple sec with ice and hit. (If you have not Triple sec, you can use
Cointreau, Grand Marnier or Curacao).


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Popular cocktail recipes

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Sparta Valley Fruits.
tel. : 0030 6944179949
mail : spartavalleyfruits@gmail.com
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